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On a daily basis, we have new foster dogs and cats coming into the system that need medical care, such as insulin, heart meds, allergy meds etc.  Won't you be part of the pack and help with a monthly donation?
  • Nail Clipper Pack - $10/month
  • Paw Pack - $25/month
  • Tail Wag Pack - $50/month
  • Wet Kiss Pack - $100/month

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Hi Lynn, I just wanted to give you a quick update on Dezz. She is doing awesome. I can't believe how easily she has fit in. It's like she's been here all along. She is eating next to Zeus (no growling), she goes potty outside (you were right about her hating the cold and her ability to hold it!), and she sleeps in bed with us snuggled in. It's kinda nice she is not a one person dog, she goes to Dave and Dylan too. Zeus is getting used to her, sometimes he picks on her but she just gives it back. She is a joy to have and we are already so in love with her! Thanks again for picking us, Marti, Dave and Dylan


My husband and I adopted Davis( a 2 1/2 year of shih tzu) on January 7, 2011. He was with his foster mom Trish who took great care of him. This little guy is one of the most lovable dogs I have ever met. He also joined a sister, Molly ( a 4 year old shih tzu rescue) when he came home with us. At first I was a little nervous the dogs were not along but after talking to Lynn they were just getting to know each other and setting boundaries. I feel foolish now because a week later here we are and they are the best of friends. They play and sleep together. All I see is two bundles of gray and white shih tzus on the couch as they love to snuggle together. Davis got a clean bill of health from the vet and even though he was found as a stray had no permanent issues or problems. This little guy is the light of our lives, along with Molly. We do not have any children so these are our kids and they are the best 2 kids anyone could ask for. I owe a big thanks to 2nd Change 4 Life for allowing us to bring Davis into our home and love him forever!!! Everyone I dealt with was awesome and everyone in their organization just wants what is best for the dogs. Thanks again and keep saving these animals. I know we make a difference in their lives, but quite frankly, I think they make more of a difference in ours. I love my 2 rescue dogs more than I can say!! They are truely my babies!! Thanks again!! Jen and Vint Varner

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